YES, I’m Still Alive!!!

To clear up any confusion yes I am still alive.  I know I have been MIA here for a while now and I apologize.  I have just been swamped with new developments in my life.  The biggest of which has been changing credential programs as my district no longer accepts the internship I was going to use.  I have been frantically trying to transfer to a new program and should find out by the end of the month if I will get my first full time teaching job here at the HS I coach at.

Since I last wrote

Made it though my first spring ball as a Varsity Offensive Coordinator

We have had a couple weeks of summer practice and 2 passing tourneys

The 2 things I am most excited about:

1. My football camp is in exactly 1 week.  Last year I decided rather than pay someone else for a crappy team camp and deal with travel and everything else, I could put together a better product, a cheaper product, and host it at my school to actual generate a profit for the football program.  The first year was a success but it was relatively small.  This second year got much more attention and next Mon-Wed we will be hosting 7 other programs (Varsity and JV) at our school from 3-8.  Everyone wins, all of the kids get a team camp that is the cheapest I have ever seen in Northern CA.  Everyone gets a shirt and we feed everyone daily.  It should be an awesome experience and I love that I can call this camp “my baby”.  I have done a ton of work on it over the last 6 months to put it all together, and we have some wonderful volunteers helping us put it all together.  It is now one of the biggest team camps in Northern CA.

2.  I will be speaking at the 2013 LA Glazier clinic for 3 sessions next spring, I am BEYOND excited for this opportunity.  Spread run/screen, spread pass, and ol play/coaching in the spread.

I hate that I have been away for a while but now that I have my summer practice schedule set, and my summer credential classes set, I at least now know when I will be able to have the free time needed to get back on this blog.


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