Power Variations #3 – 1 Back Power

Standard power is a great play, BUT it requires you have a lead blocking back in the game.  I knew early on that POWER would be our best play, but wanted to be able to do it from different formations and not rely on HAVING to have our FB in the game.

So after we had some solid experience using our regular 2 back power (first half of summer worth of practice) I  installed our 1 back power.  We call it power base.  In power base, since we have no FB in, we use our TE to be the “kick out” guy.  The “base” tag tells our TE and play side tackle they will base/kick out on anyone head up or outside of them.

I include the play side Tackle in understanding this base tag.  If he doesn’t have a base block to execute he does his usual down block like every other time we run power.  Against a 4 man front, we often see a 3 tech (b gap DT) on the TE side, so our tackle would down block as usual.

 Power base even

Against an odd front we most often see the play side DT lined up head up to outside of our OT so he would base block. We just about always see a defender lined up head up or outside of our TE and this is the player our TE will base block.

Power base odd

By simply adding the word “base” to the play call we are running our bread and butter power scheme and only changing the TE’s block, and the OT’s block against an odd front.

Here are a few clips of us running 1 back power.



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